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Student Login

Information Please enter your Campus Wide ID Number (CWID) and your BOSS Personal Identification Number (PIN) and select Login.
Student ID:

If you have having issues registering for Fall Quarter in Workday you may need to be adminstratively registered. Please contact the Registrar's Office for help. 318.257.2176

Registration for Fall Quarter will take place in Workday (workday.latech.edu).

You will need to sign up for Duo Mobile in order to use Workday.

Students with on-campus jobs should already have Duo Mobile active on their accounts, and no further action is needed.
Incoming freshmen will join Duo Mobile during summer orientation sessions.

Click on Help Desk to sign up for Duo Mobile or call 318.257.5300 for assistance.



 Remember to select buttons and menu links only once.

I Forgot My PIN

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Release: 1.20
Powered by LaTech